Ideas to better your search engine rankings.

 1. Frames – a HUGE SEO no-no. Since new content is loaded in a new frame, every page has the same URL. Search engine’s (SEs) simply can’t properly crawl and index your site if it’s in frames. The last time I checked, Inktomi and AltaVista won’t even try indexing your page if it sees frames. It’s also terribly dated, doesn’t print properly, and doesn’t display properly in some browsers.

2. Flash – I love flash animation, but it should be used sparingly – not as your entire site. SEs can’t see “inside” the flash file, all they see is that a flash file is there. So, if you have all or most of your text inside a flash file – the search engines won’t see it. Try putting a link on every page to a regular HTML version of that page, so the SEs can see, and index, the actual page content.

 3. Missing Meta Tags – I can’t believe how many sites I saw without any keyword or description meta tags. These are what the SEs look at first to tell what your site is about and index it properly. If you don’t know how to add keyword and descriptions, ask your web person, or do a Google search for “meta tags” for some great tutorials.

 4. Title Tags – Just about everyone has a title tags but there are two common problems I’ve noticed. First problem: your title is the same on every page, and is usually just your company name. Every page should have a unique title related to that individual page. Second problem: each page has a unique title, but the company name comes first. A word’s placement in the title is important. Instead of writing “Amy Brown’s Illustrations” write “Illustrations by Amy Brown.”