Hash tags on Twitter

Hash tags look something like this: #marketing (that’s the hash tag for marketing). When you put a hash tag on a tweet it becomes much easier to find for people searching on a particular topic.  Alex Mandossian uses #tss when he and his clients (and prospects) discuss his Teleseminar Secrets program on Twitter. #tcot hash… Continue reading Hash tags on Twitter

Update your Facebook status with Twitter

Save yourself from the hassle of entering status updates in two places. Use this application on Facebook to multiply your efforts on Twitter. 1 – Login into Facebook 2 – Then go to: http://fbtwit.com/ 3 – Select “add application” 4 – Enter your Twitter login information 5 – Test to see if it’s working.


Step Out From Behind Your Twitter Page…And Say “Hello” To Your Followers! Put a bubble video of you talking on your Twitter page. www.bubbletweet.com

Social Cord

Social Cord is the simplest way to offer premium content to your audience. Use our platform to monetize by offering mobile content subscriptions in your Twitter, social network, website or blog. Social Cord Alerts With social cord alerts you can promote a specific daily SMS subscription to your audience. We have the following subsriptions that… Continue reading Social Cord

Tweet Later

Need To Boost Your Productivity On Twitter? Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts? Get Your Twitter Productivity Tools and Improve Your Productivity On Twitter. Learn How. Tweet Later Features Free Professional Schedule tweets — Plan, set & forget! [more] Schedule tweets and keep your Twitter stream ticking over with new tweets even when you’re not in front… Continue reading Tweet Later

A Plethora of Twitter Tools

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com — A free blogging platform for 140-character posts, especially designed for text messaging via cellphone and instant messaging. There are millions of Twiterati. Alexa rank: 599. Twitter Search: http://search.twitter.com — Use this Twitter service to search for tweets. Twitter API Wiki: http://apiwiki.twitter.com — Twitter encourages people to create new Twitter apps using their… Continue reading A Plethora of Twitter Tools